Top Disney Villain Songs

In order for you Poor Unfortunate Souls to Be Prepared for Halloween, we decided to look at our favorite Disney villain songs this week on the blog. Disney villains, while evil and terrifying, sings some of the best songs in the Disney catalog so we decided to list our top five favorites! You’ll notice our lists are similar but with a few differences!

Allison’s Top Five Disney Villain Songs

  • 5. “Friends On the Other Side” I think it's the structure of this song that really earns its spot on my list. It starts off slow and sultry before turning frenzied and manic, all adjectives that describe an ideal villain.

  • 4. “Cruella De Vil” It's jazzy, it's snappy, it's a perfect theme song for one of Disney's most elegant villains.

  • 3. “Be Prepared” There's not many things scarier than hyenas goose-stepping. While I enjoyed the new Lion King, this song was a huge miss for me. This glimpse into Scar's machinations and plans for a totalitarian government earn it the 3rd spot on my list.

  • 2. “Gaston” Full Disclosure: Beauty and the Beast is my favorite film, so it's tricky for me not to give this the number one spot. The cleverness of Ashman's lyrics truly shine here. While Gaston is painted like a buffoon, is there anything more dangerous than a man who thinks he deserves whatever he wants and can take whatever he wants with no consequences? Scary stuff indeed.

  • 1. “Poor Unfortunate Souls” Any song with the lyrics "Et max laryngitis" is a winner in my book. Ursula lures in her prey so masterfully that Ariel thinks it's her decision to begin with. And of course, who didn't grow up singing along to Ariel's part of this song?

Megan’s Top Five Disney Villain Songs

  • 5. “Cruella De Vil” The wannabe puppy slayer’s theme song is going to earn a place on my list as well. If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will!

  • 4. “Mother Knows Best” Listen to your mumsy, this song from Tangled is a bop. With perfectly hilarious lyrics (Plus I believe, gettin’ kind of chubby? Best line.) and valid warnings against men with pointy teeth, this one remains a favorite.

  • 3. “Gaston” I can’t tell you how frequently I quote the lyric about eating four to five dozen eggs – the men in my life eat a lot of eggs – and I do feel like Gaston is underrated as one of the most evil villains because no one understands how evil he is except for Belle.

  • 2. “Poor Unfortunate Souls” The sea witch’s classic tune sits high on both of our lists because as Allison put it, how can you argue with those incredible lyrics? I still would love to see Lizzo play Ursula in the live-action film. She is 100% that sea witch, after all.

  • 1. “Be Prepared” I absolutely *wore out* my green cassette tape of the Lion King soundtrack as a child, listening to every word in every song. This song not only taught me what quid pro quo meant, but it’s still one of my favorites to listen to when I need to get things done. The part that makes it number one for me? The hyenas response about eating “endless meat” near the end. Gets me every time.

What songs top your list of best best Disney villain songs? Let us know in the comments or on Instagram!